Whiskey Decanter 750ML
Whiskey Decanter 750ML
Whiskey Decanter 750mL
A perfect-size whiskey decanter that can be hand etched with names, dates, art, or inspirational messages. Perfect for an at-home bar, decanters are believed to elevate the smell and taste of some whiskeys. Use it to store bourbon, scotch, and other spirits.
Perfect for whiskey lovers, and with the ability to personalize them with engraving makes them the perfect blank for a thoughtful gift for Father’s Day, birthdays, retirement parties, house warmings, or other special occasions.
- Capacity: 750ml (25.36oz)
- Size: 9" x 4" x 4 "
- Weight: 3lb
- Solid Glass Topper
- Individually Boxed
Make a Whiskey Decanter Gift Set
Pair this decanter with 2 or 4 whiskey rock glasses, a large or XL wood memory box; and a large or XL foam insert (custom made to fit this decanter) to create a 3-piece or 5-piece whiskey gift set.
Please email me with any questions BEFORE you place your order.
Please email me with any questions BEFORE you place your order.